Bart Veneman

Creator of Project Wallace, analytics for CSS. <noscript>-fanboy. Serverless clearfix engineer. I can lift node_modules twice my own weight.

Submit a form with `fetch()` and no-js fallback


Why I am doing this

I'm working on a new feature for Project Wallace. The website is split into two parts: a static website that is for marketing pages and an Express app for all the authenticated stuff. It's nice, because I keep the complex session/auth stuff in Express and the 'easy' things in Svelte + Sapper. But for this new feature I want to try out if I can make an authenticated page work in a statically rendered page.

The main reason I'm holding back on this pattern is because all the extra hoops I'll have to jump through. And there's also the benefit that a page without client-side JS just works once it arrived on the user's browser. But I want to give it a shot, because it's an increasingly popular pattern for a good reason (I guess).

One thing that's really important for me is to have progressive enhanced forms in case anything in my javascript breaks and my fancy fetch() request doesn't fire and the user is stuck with a webpage that does not respond or even worse: submits the form without handling it.

How to handle javascript form submissions with a no-js fallback

The real trick is as dull as it is effective: create a <form> element like you always do (yo do always create plain old forms with a form tags, labels and input, right?). Then follow these steps:

  1. Craft an HTML form
    1. The form action points to a server that can handle both versions: 'plain' submit and a fetch request
    2. The form method will be shared between the 'plain' submit and fetch
  2. Read all form input in JS with new FormData(formElement) and it will make all form inputs immediately available to send with fetch()
  3. The JS submit explicitly signals to the server that it wishes to be treated differently than a plain submit: in my case by using the Accept: application/json header (which a plain old form cannot do). This way the server knows the difference between the two different types of submits;
  4. The server responds with a JSON response to the JS, or with a redirect response in which case the browser will reload the page, showing the latest available data.


Here is some example HTML:


<label for="username">Username</label>

<button>Save settings</button>

Here is the client-side javascript to submit this form to the server:

.addEventListener('submit', submitForm);

async function submitForm(event) {

const form =;

// Reading action="" and method="" from
// the <form> element
const { method, action } = form;
// This creates a nice package of all
// our form fields to send to the server
const formData = new FormData(form);

// Send off the request to the server
const response = await fetch(action, {
body: formData,
headers: {
Accept: 'application/json'
// and look what it gave us!
const result = await response.json()

And to tie all things together, here is the Node server processing the incoming request. This example assumes a serverless function like on Vercel, Netlify or any other platform, but it could easily be an Express route or something else completely.

export default function handler(req, res) {
// Do something with the incoming data via `req.body`

// Handle JS fetch() requests
// Remember we set the Accept header explicitly
// in our client-side fetch?
if (req.headers.accept.includes('application/json'))
return res.json({ success: true })

// Handle raw form submissions:
// Send them back where they came from
return res.redirect(req.headers.referer)
